Want a job with The Voice? Web/Social Media Editor Postion Open!

Interested in serving on the student newspaper? Here is your chance! We are currently searching for someone to fill the Web/Social Media Edito Position for 13-14.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Web/Social Media Editor:
The web/social media editor will work the editors-in-chief to post stories to the student newspaper website and place ads as specified by the advertising manager. The web/social media editor will coordinate all social media accounts to promote reashership of the print and online versions of the newspaper. The web/social media editor is expected to spend ten hours per week on work related to the newspaper. Compensation: Web/Social Media Editor will receive class stipend, specific number of credit to be determined.

Contact Adviser Stacey Renner for more information: stacey.renner@tri-c.edu or 216-987-5460.

Click here to get the application and information packet:
Web Editor Application Packet


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