By Jeremy Hopkins
Western Campus Associate Editor
In a quiet alcove of the library, next to a pair of rows of comfortable chairs, sits a book shelf — with an unusual mission, for a library.
While it is not unusual to find books in the library, nor is it odd to take books out of the library, these books are different. The shelves are part of the Book Swap program, that has been going on in the Tri-C Western library for a couple of years now.
These books are free to take out — not with a circulation “check-out” requiring the use of your student ID, but scot-free right out the door, because there is no return time on these books, thence no overdue fees. These books are completely free.
The program was designed to give students something to read. Not necessarily difficult in a library, but many of these titles are in the “for fun” category rather than research. There are no limitations on form, so magazines are mixed in with the books. Simply replace the book you’d like to take with one of your own.
Ah, yes, there’s the catch. This section of the library is completely stocked by donations. So if you have a book that is sitting around the house, bring it in to the library and place it on the book swap shelf. Feel free to browse through the section available and pick up a new read for yourself. If you do not have a book to bring in, the librarians assure me you can pick one up anyway. No questions asked, no guilt involved.
If you are going to use this free feature of the library, please try to keep your selections down to just one book at a time. While the material is subject to change daily, you do not need to hoard these books. In fact, once you’ve finished you might even bring the book back, and let someone else enjoy it.