The Voice News Ramp Up Efforts For Obama Rally

Tri-C student newspaper journalists take on responsibility to bring comprehensive news coverage all-day long on The Voice Online Edition, Twitter and on YouTube — all accessible right here at CCC.VOICE.COM

By Bronson Peshlakai

In just a few short hours, President Barack Obama will grace the Cuyahoga Community College Metro Campus in an effort to gain support in his presidential campaign, and The Voice newspaper plans comprehensive coverage of the event.

TWITTER — Revived from the fall semester, and moving into the future, The Voice Twitter account has been reactivated to bring the latest news to your mobile devices, laptops and desktops as they happen @TriCVoiceNews. Users are encouraged to follow our live tweets, especially while speakers take the stage at the rally. This Website has a live Twitter feed along the right sidebar so users can continually update this Webpage to monitor new articles and the Twitter feed.

VIDEO — Video reports throughout the day will be uploaded on The Voice main page to engage our audience even more to what’s happening inside the rally, so check back often for updates on this Website. When Obama is ready to speak, we will provide a link to the live video feed, as well as tweet all his remarks. Following his speech, a video wrap-up with student reaction will be recorded and uploaded as soon as possible.

TEAM COVERAGE — The Voice staff has been mobilized to bring as many reporters and photographers downtown today to bring complete coverage of the Obama rally to you on this Online Edition of The Voice, and for our print version expected to be published fall semester in September. Coming up today and tomorrow, as stories are filed in, expect to see:

  • Feature stories on the pageantry and the mood of the rally, by Jessica Noeth, and others
  • Complete analysis of Obama’s speech by Portia Booker, Mireille Tabanji and Bronson Peshlakai
  • Reports on student and faculty reaction, security detail, national press coverage and an editorial by our other staff members including Rasheedah Najieb, Nicholas McGuire and Antwain Thomas
  • Reports from outside the venue and from the overflow audience watching the rally in the Tri-C Auditorium
  • Reaction from lawmakers on the president’s remarks, and from Tri-C students, faculty and staff

Join this unprecendented team coverage of journalists throughout today and the coming days on The Voice Online Edition as President Obama stops in for a visit at the Tri-C Metro Campus.


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