Photo by Bronson Peshlakai
Nursing Students Don’t Have to Worry, For Now
By Lauren Mangan
Metro Campus Staff Reporter
There has been confusion surrounding the Cuyahoga Community College’s accreditation status of the nursing program. In 2010, the Tri-C nursing program’s status was deemed “accredited with conditions” by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission. The NLNAC Board of Commissioners “voted to deny continuing accreditation to the associate nursing program” in March of this year. On April 10, Tri-C filed the appeal of the denial of accreditation, which restored the prior accreditation status.
The college made a contradictory statement in both the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 course catalogs which list the nursing program as fully accredited, and in a recent message to nursing students from Nursing Dean Marsha Atkins.
“The Tri-C nursing program is STILL fully accredited,” the message from Atkins said.
The nursing program’s current status with the commission is “accreditation with conditions pending appeal.”