By Jeremy Hopkins
Western Campus Associate Editor
Now that July has arrived, people start talking fireworks. With displays starting tonight (July 1), there are several communities that are hosting fireworks displays. While this is not a complete list, you can check out the list compiled by WJW Fox 8 news here.
Parma and Parma Heights are not on this list. Two years ago, they cancelled their fireworks displays due to budget restrictions. These displays used to be held at the Western campus, visible from neighborhoods around the school. In fact, I can remember many years where my family would gather together at my grandparents’ house and walk to the school, setting out a blanket to sit on the hill just above the track to watch the fireworks.
If you get the time this year, take some time to enjoy one of the displays that are in your neighborhood. It’s often a fun trip to drive to another neighborhood community for their displays, too. Just remember that traffic is often full of congestion as many people crowd into one area that they do not always use.
It is also worth mentioning that it is still illegal in the state of Ohio to shoot off or possess fireworks. Any fireworks purchased in the state of Ohio must be taken out of the state within 48 hours. The only items that can be used at home without a license are smoke bombs and sparklers.
Happy Fourth, everybody!