Bronson Peshlakai
Metro Editor-in-Chief

At approximately 2:15 p.m., Oct. 30, The “A” building on Tri-C’s Western Campus was evacuated after a water-monitoring alarm was triggered.
Five fire trucks arrived on scene from the City of Parma, and firemen were seen going into the gym in full gear. Firefighters investigated the monitoring system which indicated there was too much water flowing, which could indicate reduced water pressure to extinguish a fire at the college, said Doug Turner, public information officer with the Parma Fire Department.
At around 3:40 p.m., the students and faculty were allowed to re-enter the building.
Turner said the monitoring system malfunctioned and the fire department turned over the matter to Tri-C maintenance to fix.

Meanwhile, students waited at areas around the A-building while fire crews investigated the matter.
Anne-Marie Bentkowski, an associate instructional assistant with the veterinary technology program, continued her class outside in the pleasant sunny afternoon.
Other parts of the Western Campus pods were not affected, or notified, of the evacuation.