Student Food Bank at West needs your help!

This is the time of year that people reach deep, and give to complete strangers. It is also one of the times that is the harshest reminder that someone might need some help. The Student Food Bank is open to all, simply by asking. Names are not recorded, although the staffers do their best to make sure nobody abuses the generosity of the donations.

100_1847But right now, the Food Bank at West needs several items. You might see the signs posted around campus, near one of the white donation bins. The list includes things like canned soups, the perennial peanut butter or mac’n’cheese, and hygiene products. This latter category is one of those things people tend to forget that is needed.

Not only do people need to eat, they need to wash their hands. Or brush their teeth. Everybody uses these, yet nobody thinks to donate those bathroom unmentionables, for a variety of reasons.

So this holiday season, as you are huddled together with your friends, family, loved ones, pets, homework, or a good movie, remember those of your fellow students who could use a hand up. Drop by the Student Government to donate items, cash, or gift cards. Or leave your donations in the white bins, such as the one outside the North entrance of the Westwood Grill. And be the kind stranger who can help your fellow students out.


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