CLOSURE — Tri-C to be Closed Beginning at 4 p.m. Monday, All Day Tuesday

Due to extreme weather circumstance, Tri-C announced it is canceling all classes and activities beginning Monday at 4 p.m., and all day Tuesday.

This is a level 2 closure, and all faculty, staff and students should not report tomorrow. The alert said normal operations are expected to resume Wednesday.

For more information, call 866-989-2578, visit

According to weather reports, scattered snow showers are expected to persist today, with a low temp forecast to hit -6 F. Wind chills could hit -25 F. Tuesday’s high temp is expected to be about 5 F.

A level 2 closure announcement indicates that the college or a specific facility is officially closed. Faculty, staff, and students are not to report. Only essential staff (Public Safety and Plant Operations) should report, the Tri-C website says.


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