Interview with East Counseling, Preparing for Spring Quarter 2015

By Frankie Demming
Second semester is already underway, it’s time to design your two-year plan and pick outclasses for the summer or fall. Worrying about midterms, finals, and other assignments is stressful enough, but adding in the stress of planning for the next semester can make college seem unbearable. This is what the counselors at the Eastern Campus are here for; they can assist
students in multiple aspects of college life. Many students think the counseling center is only used to pick out classes however there are many other resources available to students.
Counselors can assist students in career planning, academic success, and aid in transfer programs. The counseling center is located on the second floor of the Student Services building, and can be accessed on a walk-in basis or by appointment. Cassandra Harris-Williams, a clinical counselor and assistant professor, enjoys working with students at Tri-C. Williams said, “We teach classes, organize new student orientation, and hold workshops on test anxiety. We can assist students who have disqualified financial aid or help students create a plan. It’s more then just picking out classes; we can help students be more successful in their academic planning and find resources in their community.” “There are many misconceptions about counseling; many students think the only people that go to counseling are people with mental disorders,” said, Samantha Posey. Posey is a licensed clinical counselor who has worked with students’ for many years and understands their misconceptions. “We don’t just help pick out classes, we are more then just academic advisors. When people hear counseling they think, I’m not crazy! People go to counseling to look for other ways to deal with things; everyday people go to counseling, to talk with someone and to figure out ways to manage and to cope. We get to see students develop and grow, I get a sense of satisfaction from working with the students, and we embrace their success,” Williams-Harris says.

Counseling-Samantha Posey, photo by Frankie Demming

Don’t forget registration for the summer semester begins March 9th, so make time in your schedule to visit the counseling center at the Eastern Campus. With the help of the counselors, create a plan for your success and discuss any concerns whether they are personal or academic. Afterwards, you will feel a sense of reassurance and calm in your personal, academic, and career decisions. To get more information on the counseling center visit



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