New Year, New Semester

By Catherine Cesa, Staff Reporter

Spring 2015 has arrived with a lot of happiness and excitement, but at the same time with worries for the new classes, new friends, new professors, and new goals.

Most students let their attitudes and behaviors set limits on their accomplishments. But everyone can accomplish anything if you are tough on yourself.

”For every class that you take, have a positive attitude,” said Janice Schwieterman, professor of ESL.
”You must come to class and participate. Also, you should have for every class a study plan and keep all your papers and notes organized and it will be easier to study.” said Julie Jindra, professor of ESL.

Students attending class                                                                        January 15th, 2015                                                               Photo by Catherine Cesa
Students attending class
January 15th, 2015
Photo by Catherine Cesa

Tri-C has a lot of free services for students such as TRIO, the writing center and tutoring in the Testing Center and Smart thinking. Students can use them at anytime on all campuses. ”Go to tutoring as soon as you need help before you fall behind,” said Jindra and Golden.

Stay calm, you are going to do fine this semester and everything will be all right if you, ”Pay attention to your professors. Do not be afraid to ask for help, opinions or suggestions from your professors or tutors because they are there to help you,” said Schwieterman.

Students listening to the professor 	                  January 14th, 2015                                                    Photo taken by Catherine Cesa
Students listening to the professor
January 14th, 2015
Photo taken by Catherine Cesa

To success, to achieve or to accomplish something it doesn’t happen by magic. It comes by not giving up. ” Success is difficult because nothing in this life is easy,” said Marisela Rodriguez, student from Western Campus.

”Spring 2015 is now in full swing,” said Counselor Francine Golden.
Good Luck during this semester!


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