By Matt Bember
In January, President Obama proposed making two years of community college free for students who attend college at least half-time and maintain a grade point average of at least 2.5. During his State of the Union address on January 20, Obama encouraged members of Congress to pass legislation, while talking about the specifics of his proposal. Explaining the benefits of such a program, Obama said “40 percent of our college students choose community college.” “Some are young and starting out. Some are older and looking for a better job. Some are veterans and single parents trying to transition back into the job market. Whoever you are, this plan is your chance to graduate ready for the new economy without a load of debt. Understand, you’ve got to earn it. You’ve got to keep your grades up and graduate on time,” Obama said during the speech. The Voice spoke to several students about the proposal, asking for their thoughts on the president’s plan:
“If it passes that would be amazing. That’s one less expense we would have to worry about once we
have a job.”
“I think more people would be willing to come [to community college] because of that. Most young kids today
can’t afford to come to school. That would help out a whole lot. A lot more kids would apply if they knew that
the cost was covered.”
“If that happens, taxes would have to go up. His proposal wouldn’t affect me personally, but I think it would
help some people a lot. It could be positive, but I can see both sides, too.”

“I think it would be a great proposal to pass through. All kinds of people are going through financial hardships.
So I think it would be a good opportunity to give people a free two years of college.”
Byron Waldorf Buisness, First Year