Heard in the Hallways

By: Dalton Ulm

In many aspects, Cuyahoga Community College seems to serve one simple yet vital purpose: to educate. Tri-C gives students the opportunity and flexibility to design and personalize a two-year education track that fits their academic and financial capabilities. However, the extent of student involvement on campus seems to be limited, seeing as Tri-C is strictly a commuter-based college. Is student involvement something that can be improved upon?

Alexandra Porcen
Alexandra Porcen

“I wish there were more get-togethers or fundraisers. I was in Nerd club and went throughout the semester and it was fun and I get to meet new people.”




Bryce Axelrod
Bryce Axelrod

“I don’t necessarily take the time to read the posters. I see plenty of clubs and activities that I am invited to by email but I don’t see students getting together and making movements, where you would see at big universities. No one is fighting for a cause.”

Cortney Neer
Cortney Neer

“I get lots of emails, but seeing more posters would be a good thing just because I don’t check my email for a week. If I wasn’t married with kids- my schedule is busy as is, no matter how many cool things I would like to be or might be apart of, it wouldn’t work with my schedule.”

Lori Galata
Lori Galata

“Depending on what campus you’re at, the involvement changes. At this point in my life, I am happy with just being a student and my focus is not so much to be in a club. For the younger population it is important though, but I’ve already had the ‘college experience’.”

William jones
William jones

“I like it here…currently I am in Nerd club and Sustained Dialogue. I rarely see any posters of any club. I want to know what else is here.”


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