Degree in Three

By: Francesca Demming

Are you stressed about getting your associate degree? Do you feel like graduating is just too stressful and complicated? This is where a new Tri-C program called Degree in three can help. Degree in three is a program that is focused on helping you graduate within three years or less. This program includes textbook vouchers, free summer classes, personalized academic advising, a monthly stipend, and much more. This program is currently part of a research study to see if it can help students graduate. This state-of-the-art program was first tested in several local community colleges in New York resulting in amazing success.

“This program is recognized at a national level, by President Obama, and has proven successful,” said Yvonne Watson, director of the Degree in three program at the Eastern Campus.

Currently the D3 program is looking for 250 students for the fall semester. Half of these students will be placed in a control group and will not receive the benefits. However, the other half will receive full D3 program benefits. Students are put into the group randomly; however, the students in the control group will still receive regular college services like tutoring or counseling. This is because the program is a study and data from each group will be compared to see if the program was successful. To be accepted into the program you must be Pell-eligible, a new student or have accumulated 24 credits or less, and attend college full-time.

“Right now there are 42 students in the program, 95 percent are compliant and successfully maintaining the D3 goals,” Watson said.

These statistics prove that students in the D3 program are benefitting from its resources, rewards, and opportunities. Instead of students having to seek out resources they are all available in one location. The D3 program combines so many benefits and resources and makes them very accessible to students.

“Without the guidance of D3 keeping me focused on the ultimate goal, I probably would be another inexperienced freshman,” said Markia Gaines, a student at Cuyahoga Community College. “Because of this program I’m very experienced with my college environment and in the professional environment.”

If you are interested in joining the Degree in 3 program stop by the D3 office in Room 2333 in the East Student Services building. If you would like to know more about the D3 program you can email Yvonne Watson at or call 216-987-0597.Degree_In_Three_Logo


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