By: Jennifer Artino
Analysis for the eLearning Management System has been made. After testing numerous platforms and systems, the LMS system they have decided to go with, based on cost and college performance demands, is BlackBoard. The current LMS will get an update to a new platform known as Blackboard Ultra. This new update analysis includes ability of going mobile, cloud platforms, and ability to connect to different apps with one log in. Some raised questions included are the ability to changenative languages as Tri C has a more diverse student body as well as faculty. Also on the table for discussion is the system to evaluate a student’s way of learning and competency to create an external portfolio that students can access for employers in job searches.
The task force is currently piloting the new LMS update and initializing training. By Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 semesters, most content will start migrating to the new LMS system. Summer 2016 semester will be the initial migration completion and will go live as a full platform in Fall 2016. Members on the LMS task force go through bi-weekly meetings for updates and discussion. These sprint meetings offer information available on the LMS Review Timeline on the elearning blog, accessible through the Blackboard tab on your My Tri C space.

This blog contains an option for students to make suggestions on what they think should be improved inthe update and what should be added or changed in the update. You can also access documents from past meetings as well as power points and task force comments. Submitting questions on the elearning and innovation blog is encouraged, as they can develop a FAQs column and offer more key points and information on what to look for with the new update.