Tri-C is Preparing For The 2017 Summer Internship Program

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Written by:  Lore Smith, East Staff Writer

What better way to gain valuable work experience than through Cuyahoga Community College’s Summer Internship Program!  Most students are too busy to commit as an intern during the school year so the summer is an ideal time to take advantage of an internship opportunity.
An internship allows eligible students to temporarily work for an employer in a field related to their career aspirations.  This important program provides students the opportunity to receive work experience and to get an understanding of what their chosen industry is all about.  After the internship, students can assess whether they are still interested in their chosen field or discover that the field of study is not what they anticipated and may want to change their career path.  In addition to gaining great experience to complete your classroom learning, here are some additional rewards of an internship:
•    Experience-based learning outside of the classroom
•    Real work experience students can put on their resume
•    Possible future job offers
•    Some internships may give students the opportunity to lead, be a part of a team and provide fresh new ideas
•    Connections students make are invaluable as well as the mentoring and feedback received from host organizations
•    Confidence students gain as they develop new skills and refine others
•    Students can decide if their current career path is right for them

Maria Brathwaite, Career Services Specialist at Tri-C Eastern Campus, stated that “In 2016, our college President, Alex Johnson, made a commitment to support students during the summer months by instituting the Summer Internship Program where qualified students would remain engaged on campus through participating in an internship and enrolling in at least one class during the summer.“
In the summer of 2016, Tri-C’s Summer Internship Program was birthed and 111 students interned throughout all Tri-C’s campuses, including the Jerry Sue Thornton Center and the District Administrative Office.
“President Johnson is so committed to the program that he has authorized participating students to receive one free class up to four credit hours, receive compensation of $10 per hour for 100 hours of work, and financial support for one book (up to $125.00)”, said Brathwaite.
Students participating in the 2017 Summer Program will not only intern within departments at Tri-C; 36 external local companies have partnered with Tri-C in this endeavor.
According to Brathwaite, “Eighty-two percent of students who participated in the Summer Internship Program last year, enrolled in classes last Fall semester.  This speaks to the success of the Summer Internship Program as to student retention.”
As the program moves forward, Brathwaite would like to see the program expand; not only an increase in student participation and local companies partnering with Tri-C, but additional staff to administer the program as well.

“When your goal is to gain experience, perspective and knowledge,
failure is no longer a possibility.”  — Sophia Amoruso

To learn more about the Summer Internship Program, eligibility requirements, and to apply for Summer 2017, visit

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