By Barbie Robertson
The Student Success Symposium started six years ago. It is an end of the year celebration with exhibits by students, showcasing their excellence and recognizing student accomplishments. Students will present their research on an issue that they are passionate about and in order to bring awareness to it.
This year, Cuyahoga Community College will host the Student Success Symposium at Western Campus, WSS North Galleria and Theatre. Presentations will begin at 3:00 pm and will last until 5:00 pm. There will be a post-event to follow, keynote speaker Dan Moulthrop, CEO of The City Club of Cleveland will be present to wrap up the evening.
This event is open to the public, students, and faculty. Refreshments will be served along with a chance to win a $50 gift card to Tri-C’s bookstore. Students will receive a passport in addition to the program. As you walk through and view the posters, students will receive a stamp.
At the beginning of the speech in the theater, you can turn in your stamped passport in for a raffle ticket. After the speech, six lucky names will be drawn to receive their gift cards.
Student Ambassadors are needed to help direct people to the event. If you are an Honors Student, you will receive one activity point for volunteering.
Transportation will be provided for students at Westshore, East, and Metro campus. The shuttle will leave each campus at 2:30 pm and leave the Western campus between 6:30-6:45 pm. Please go to the Honors Program website to RSVP. What an excellent way to end the spring semester, by learning about social justice issues in our community and coming out to support and celebrate Tri-C’s exceptional students.