Amandya Wells

Amandya Wells

Photo by Jan Kahanek on Unsplash

Amandya Wells

So, let’s go back to March when all this madness started. When lockdown went into effect. It was scary at first, then it got worse and turned into depression and anxiety. Classes switched to an all online format. Most of mine already were online, so not much changed for me, unlike most students. After spring break, I had to go straight back to class for everything but lab since no one knew how to do lab online. It was kind of an experience to say the least. My grades were worse than I thought they would be because my mental health wasn’t the greatest through all of it. I ended up getting a 70 in Human Biology and a 74 in cell and DNA lab because everything we did mattered not just turning in your lab manual and getting almost full credit if not full credit. 

Flash forward to summer semester. We were still online and the governor started easing restrictions on stay at home order. I knew he was easing to soon, but it didn’t take full effect that it was too soon till July when numbers started being in the 1000+ range repeatedly. We hit new highs at least three times and that’s scary. We’ve been told if we’re not careful, we’ll be like Florida, and that scares me because they’re seeing 10,000 cases a day. So far, our highest to date (8/13/2020) is in the 1700 range and that’s bad enough. I realize because DeWine is a republican, he probably won’t go back into full lockdown. He has mandated masks, even if people are finding ways around that. However, people are still coming together in gatherings of more than 10 and not wearing masks at gatherings, so that is making the problem worse. 

Let’s talk about summer semester and academics. Yes, classes were fully online, which made me happy. That way I could stay home as much as possible. Yes, I’ve been letting down my guard and going to places like Walmart and Goodwill. Walmart scares me because it’s the biggest store where no one cares. They herd around areas without masks and are condensed together. Classes went all right for me. I still battled with depression and anxiety. I did end up with a B in English and a C in Sociology, even after reaching out to the professor twice but I’m not going to go there. My Computer went tits up during the 7th week of summer semester (yeah there’s only 10 weeks in that semester so you see my dilemma) and after taking it to Geek Squad, they said it’s going to be a return and rebuy since I still had a warranty. This made me happy because I got $1300 in best buy credit, so I finally got a MacBook that I’ve wanted for so long. That is beside the point though. I had to catch up on English assignments and email my sociology professor, which I did twice and he never responded. 

Clubs for me were still happening summer semester, but they were not as involved as normal because not much was going on. With LGSA, we did Pride Month stuff and got new officers for the 2020-2021 academic year (I’m the new president). Having clubs run virtually is weird, but still seeing people is good and helps me mentally. I created an online event through LGSA that’s called “Let it go” (kind of like the frozen song). It’s about coming together and sharing life struggles and being there for each other. It is also about sharing good things regardless of what is a weird, crappy situation. That went into effect last week in July and we have two per month through the Fall semester. As well as two LGSA meetings a month throughout the fall semester, we are also hosting coming out week events virtually the week of October 5th through October 12th. I’m pretty excited about that because I’m in charge of most of them or involved in some way, shape, or form. 

I’m pretty excited about the student newspaper. Most of it is going to be virtual because not a lot of people will be on campus for fall semester. Because COVID doesn’t seem to want to leave, and knowing how our president and how he’s not taking an ounce of seriousness to what’s going on (comparing this to a heart problem and the flu STILL), off-campus classes will probably happen during spring semester as well. I don’t know about you, but if the flu kills 150,000 people in 6 months, people would be more scared of it than they are. I’m not going to go into stuff especially with our president. 

I leave the house when I have to, and now that things are getting bad and staying bad, I don’t think will be leaving that often. I’m perfectly fine shopping online at stores and buying things through Amazon.  

I did start a YouTube channel through this experience and I make college and lifestyle videos. I only have two videos up right now, and will probably not upload again till two Mondays later than my first video. After that, I will upload regularly. 

I had to self-isolate because of a hospital visit I went on. A nurse didn’t have their mask on, only the face shield. I’m probably still all right, but I couldn’t risk it with my dad. 

Let’s see what Fall semester brings us, everyone. I’m a little nervous, but more excited because I enjoy learning and I’m taking a Digital Media Writing class this semester, which has me very excited. Other two classes are speech classes (One strictly online and one with virtual meeting times on Thursdays). 

We got this everyone. As long as we fight this together, we can get through anything.


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