Tri-C Cleaning Crews Mist away Coronavirus
By Lauren Sherman

Tri-C is generally a clean place, and during the pandemic, staff is making sure germs don’t stand a chance. When the college finds out that someone who has been on campus has received a positive test for COVID-19, it brings out a sanitizing device.
The campuses have acquired fogging machines that coat surfaces of rooms with a sanitizing mist. This is in addition to the daily cleaning routine.
The cleaning and sanitizing processes follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations, according to John Horton, media relations manager of the college’s integrated communications department.
Regular cleaning has always been done nightly by a cleaning crew, and the cleaning of many surfaces has increased during the day.
“The college cleans all hard and high-touch surfaces in each of its buildings nightly using disinfectant wipes and sprays with 99.9% efficacy against COVID-19,” said Horton.
Also, classrooms and labs contain spray bottles of disinfectant and paper towels so students and staff can clean anything they need, said Tony DiGiandomenico, manager of plant operations on West campus.
When news of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis comes in, “we’ll go in and fog that room,” he said, adding that the machine emits a solution that contains hydrogen peroxide.
The substance is not harmful to anyone.
“The fogging machine creates a non-toxic, environmentally-friendly disinfectant mist that can sanitize hard to reach areas,” according to Horton. “Disinfectants used by the College are safe for people, animals and food.”
Plant operations staff wear protective clothes, gloves and masks while fogging and it generally only takes a few minutes, said DiGiandomenico.
One room at West campus that needed special consideration was the veterinary technician lab. The dogs and cats were removed during fogging and staff used a disinfectant “made for veterinary use called Rescue,” he said.
As of November 10, Tri-C had received reports of 22 students and 11 employees that had tested positive for COVID-19. Horton confirmed that the college contacts everyone who has met the CDC definition of exposure, which is listed on
“The health and safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors is the highest priority of the College during this challenging time,” he said.