My Covid Diary!

I was in Nigeria when the news on Covid -19 started; initially, I did not take it seriously and thought it could not get to Nigeria. However, on January 28, 2020, the Nigerian government announced the first case of Covid -19 in the country through the center for disease control. In the following weeks, there was sensitization on the news and everyone was advised on how to prevent the spread of the disease.
In March of 2020, I attended a relative’s wedding, traveled on a crowded bus, and met many family members and friends at the wedding. When I returned home, I started feeling unwell. You know what they say about not googling your symptoms, well I did and started having health anxiety; I was almost certain I had come in contact with someone who had the virus, for a few days I started isolating myself, my anxiety level was definitely at a panic level before, I was eventually diagnosed with having a common cold.
Eventually, the government declared a complete lockdown of the entire country, giving everyone only 24 hours to get groceries and essentials. The first lockdown was expected to last for two weeks while the center for disease control monitored the spread of the disease. In the beginning, I was excited and looking forward to working from home—no need to wake up very early and drive long distances to work. However, after the first two weeks, the lockdown was extended, and the reality began to set in; it was long and tedious. I stayed alone, so I was all by myself throughout the six months of lockdown in Nigeria. A lot of people died; it was a dark time in the world.

The lockdown gave me a time for self-reflection and personal discovery. Many times I enjoyed my own company, sometimes it was boring and long. I learned new recipes and came up with my own cooking game (You can add chef to my name). I took some online classes like the Harvard online business class. I came across Cyber Security and developed an interest, so I am currently switching careers today from an Accountant to a Cyber Security Specialist.
The lockdown gave me time to research schools in the United States, and I did put in an accepted application. I am currently studying for my Associate in Cyber Security at Tri-C. Guess there was some good for me out of the whole dark Covid-19 situation. I hope we can all overcome the Covid -19 period and have our world back even better than it used to be.