Just Around the Corner | Covid Journal
Not only has it affected the way I spend my day outside of the house, but my motivation has taken a dip as well. My art, my writing, and even my schoolwork can become a constant and unwavering struggle. The things that I want to enjoy, and want to complete, end up being a chore more than half of the time.

I find myself suffering from a Covid-induced lack of motivation. It is so incredibly difficult, even more than I ever could have imagined, and I see so many people around me suffering from the same thing. Procrastination has become some sort of staple in my day-to-day life. It sometimes feels as if my creativity has left me, but I know it’s still there. It hides sometimes, that much is for certain, but I have to continue to hold on to it, even if it dims from time to time it is so interesting and scary to think about how Covid has become a part of our everyday lives. A part of me has accepted that it’s here to stay for the long run, but another part of me still struggles with it as if it’s still day one. After our recent surge in cases, it is easy to feel hopeless again. It’s easy to think that, despite it having gone down again, it’s just going to rise eventually.
Despite being vaccinated, I find myself hesitating before nearly every single outing, that fear ingrained inside of me. My girlfriend, for example, is a high risk, and I try to do absolutely everything in my power to be as safe as possible. The thought of Covid is a daily one, and every choice I make is conscious in my efforts to make sure I do not get or spread anything. That doesn’t always work, of course, but I have to do my best. We all have to do our best.
I don’t plan on things returning to normal right away, at this point I don’t see that as a possibility. The pandemic, whether you think it or not, has affected many of us in a vast number of ways. But it’s important to try and keep your head up. Keep going, for your burst of creativity, your
spark, is just around the corner. Don’t let it go.