Tri-C Partners with 1000 Ties Youth Mentorship for Young Men

The Tri-C STEM program is one of many educational offerings that Cuyahoga Community College has presented to higher education seekers. STEM is an anthem for science, Technology, Engineering, and Math education. The main goal of the STEM program at Tri-c is to make an ultimate path with going from secondary education to having success within post-secondary education to obtaining the goal which is going straight into a distinguished career field. This year they have partnered up with 1000 Ties which is a group that helps young men from the ages of 10-19 in epidemic poverty areas. This program’s purpose is to help build confidence, young men to have an outlet to cut the stigma of poverty making their lives simple and easier.
The Tri-C STEM program builds partnerships with many local outlets such as career centers & many surrounding colleges and universities. Having a strong connection with local school districts is a vital start for all the neighboring communities to set up an understanding of what the STEM program is and what the program plans to carry out. Tri-C with the STEM program core goal within its overall plan is to increase student learning and success with the completion of the Associate of Science or the Associate of Applied Science Degrees. Some of the degree programs listed under the STEMprogram at Cuyahoga Community College are various Information Technology programs, Biology, Earth Science, and much more.

This year Tri-C Stem and 1000 ties are supplying a free mentorship program for young men ages 10-15 focusing on these stem activities listed above. The Cuyahogacommunity college staff will provide free mentors along with classes that are being held virtually.
Ormond Brathwaite, who serves as an associate dean of the STEM program at Tri-C Western Campus states “70% who are in this program will earn a bachelor’s degree, along with the possibility of always creating new tech ideas. Along with those ideas, we have developed an RNA vaccine that helped fight Covid-19 which was created by TheStemProgram itself”.
More information can be found on or getting involved by calling 216-699-0807