Thank You Tri-C! | Covid Journal

Thank You Tri-C! | Covid Journal

Thank You Tri-C! | Covid Journal

Photography by Christina Easter | Math Tutor Amy Chan

As we continue to live through Covid, it never ceases to amaze me how helpful, kind, and patient so many Tri C faculty employees are when I ask for assistance. During the time I have taken courses at Tri C, I do not recall an employee saying, “just go to our website and you will find the answer there”. Tri C is one of the few places where a person actually researches and provides an answer to your question before you leave their presence.

No matter how many times I go to the TLC at the Metro Campus, without a flash drive, and ask the same employee for assistance scanning, he ensures that my needs are met before I leave. He provides me with a flash drive and walks me through the step-by-step instructions needed to scan my documents. I have never gotten the “you again look”. I know I haven’t gotten this look because I look for it … while hullabaloo about why I don’t have my own flash drive, again.

Photography by Christina Easter | Assistance at Metro TLC.

Recently, I visited the library at the Metro Campus at about 4:40 and the staff immediately addressed all of my questions. They were so nice, I almost abused their service by gravitating over to the DVD section and looking at movies, knowing the library was closing in five minutes. Then I wanted to ask a question. Neither of the three employees said we are closing, you have to go and come back tomorrow. Instead, one employee said, “oh no, take your time”. As the visual of me as an eight-year-old being chastised by my dad for misbehaving appeared in my mind’s eye, I grabbed my materials, thanked each of the employees for their assistance, and
immediately left the library.

I also recently visited the Records Management Office at the Metro Campus to inquire about obtaining prior issues of The Voice. This office was closed, so I asked a Math Tutor for assistance. About an hour later, as I was consumed in printing and reviewing course documents from Blackboard, she located someone via phone, and I was able to get my question answered. For the next hour, as I exited the building, walked to my car, drove home, and walked my dogs, I said to myself, “Wow, who does that anymore?”

Photography by Christina Easter | Assistance at Metro TLC.

Maybe I am the water cooler, lunch, or dinner conversation for some Tri C employees, but I’m ok with that because at least they did their job by providing me the help I needed to complete a task without having to speak to three or four other people or troubleshooting on As a student, I appreciate and wish to thank all of the Tri C employees at each of the campuses who provide me the assistance without first sighing, taking a deep breath, or giving me the side-eye. THANK YOU!


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