As Summer Approaches | Covid Journal

As I prepare for finals, which are in less than a month, I think back to when classes began, and when I first hopped into my car and zipped across town to get to the western campus for my first one. Now, more than three months on, I’ve gotten into a comfortable spot with my grades and looking onward to potential classes for fall and whether I should take something over the summer. While I’ve been huddled inside, however, between looking at the news, viewing timeline feeds, and studying, I’ve been trying to get myself ready for a week of stressful testing.
The past few weeks were a bit difficult. While I did well with getting assignments in and keeping my grades up, I picked up a second job that presented me with more time constraints than I thought. What I thought would be a one-day-a-week task turned out to be another 13 hours in
total sliced off my weekly schedule, which made completing things very difficult, especially with my evenings already taken up by my first job. Luckily, with a past troubled history of rushing to get things at the last minute came the ability to go into overdrive when the need arose. I stopped
working at that second job after four weeks, and this left me with a more flexible schedule and a greater appreciation of my mornings off.

Since I’ve gotten my schedule worked out and begun looking ahead to finals week, I’ve done my best to make sure that I get to bed at a good time. Several weeks of working later than usual messed up my sleep schedule, but with a bit of thinking and planning, I’m getting closer to making sure I’m asleep by 12 am. Having a good sleep schedule should leave me well rested for the days when I have exams. I’ve also experimented with ways to cut unneeded internet usage, so I spend the most time possible studying up.

Though my semester has had its ups and downs, I have emerged in a good place and am ready to take what I’ve learned with me to whatever lies ahead, whether it’s a new job, an internship, or possibly a 10-week course. Until then, I plan to take things one day at a time, making the most out of every new sunrise. One of these days, I may even make it outside, if we don’t get any more snow. Wishing everyone a successful finals week!