Tampa | Blog

Tampa | Blog

Tampa | Blog

Image by Kiran Nichols

Traveling through the mind of a Single Mom. I have had quite a journey. Surviving the times and a few other incidents, I approach life through a different thought process. Learning how to stay at the forefront of my emotions so that I can always control my reactions took time for me to grasp and has proven to provide mental tranquility. I am skilled in several tasks including hair styling, cooking, cross country driving, and Training and leading a team of new hires but have yet to figure out parenting. Born and raised on the rugged streets of East Cleveland Ohio, never did I see myself moving to, and thriving in a different climate (Socially, Economically, and Geologically) such as Tampa, Florida. Palm trees, beaches, sun and fun.

Leaving Northern Ohio and living in Southern Florida for seventeen years, for me, was a remarkable decision. I gained much more than a suntan and several close friends. I learned how to think, I learned how forgiveness is power, I learned a plethora of leadership skills in the work force, and I got a chance to know my three half-sisters that I didn’t grow up with and built a solid bond with them. I have counseled many of my peers on how to coordinate their acceptance of negativity. Noticing when your emotions are being targeted and choosing to react positively helps people stay focused on the enlightenment of themselves instead of petty drama that hinders progression.

Back on April 2, 2019, which happens to be my birthday, our company was told via speaker phone conference the news that they were going out of business. After two years dedicated to this position anticipating success into higher positions, my direction was distorted. What now? Because of my position, I was able to stay with the company three months past the business shut down date of 12/31/2019 to train the new overseas staff. Little did I know, the entire world was facing the COVID-19 pandemic and major shuts down as well. Society experienced several gains and losses, but in my world, this was exactly the pause that was needed for me to restructure my future.

After over a year of quarantine activities and behavior, I revisited my idea to seek a higher education which led me to apply to Community College. In leu of an associate degree as step one of my new career blueprint. I attended Hillsborough Community College where I took remedial math, reading and writing to bring my education level back up to date. Due to a second, unforeseen domestic violence situation, I failed reading once and math twice and lost my government scholarships and grants. Leaving the county would allow me to resign a new grant and continue my education, but how was I to up and move away from my Tampa family with my daughters, to another yet unknown part of Florida.

I discussed matters with a dear Aunt of mine who has been an anchor for me and my daughters, as far as I can remember and she asked me, what’s keeping you there (In Tampa)? Motion was set for us to move from that point and my answer to her question is why I am now a proud Mandel Scholar at Cuyahoga Community College. Moving back to Cleveland has been challenging however this city produced a champion and a warrior and I aspire to make myself, my innumerable family, and my society proud to call me a Buckeye, a Scholar, and a Leader! 


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