By Jonathan Beard

The 2023 Fall Semester will soon come to a close. The last week of classes is this week, with students at all four campuses preparing for a week of exams or finishing up final projects. Next week will be Finals Week, the culmination of all the work Tri-C students have put in during the semester. For students, it can be a stressful time, especially for those not certain their grades will make passing certain classes easy. While there’s no substitute for being attentive in class, caught up on assignments, and well-read on class materials, there are many things students can do to give themselves the best possible shot at finishing the last leg of the school year with flying colors.
Having Good Study Habits. Good study habits can make or break the end of a semester. Students should devote adequate time each week for classes, based on the amount of credit hours. If studying seems like a daunting task, students can separate parts of their day into chunks, studying certain subjects during different times of the day as needed. A good way to space the week is to work for 25 minutes, then take breaks for five, with longer breaks every two hours as needed. This is known as the Pomodoro Method, and it’s a good way of making a good pace without getting burned out. Students should remember to bring water and stay hydrated during their sessions, as well as limit possible distractions for the best chances of success.
Office Hours. Students preparing for the end of the semester should stop by their instructor’s office hours whenever available to check on their standing in the class. Professors can suggest possible paths for students worried about their prospects or give handy advice to those more confident but looking for any extra pointers. Professors have info on their rooms and times in the syllabus for each class.
Group Study Sessions. If students don’t understand the material well or just want other people around to help understand the material, study groups are a great way to brush up on class material before a big exam, or for a final project if necessary. Students can send messages to other students within the class, or converse in person, if they have prior contact info. There are a variety of places on Tri-C’s campuses for groups of students to sit together and study, and online meeting software makes virtual study sessions easy to plan.
Managing Stress On Campus. The end of the semester can be a very stressful time for students, even those who feel more prepared. Tri-C has resources to help students deal with anxiety for the final few weeks of class. Therapy dogs will be present on Tri-C’s campuses at various times this week. Areas are being set up for students to chill, get snacks, play games, and exercise, all to give them a break from long hours of studying. Students who take in-person classes or who just want to stop by should take advantage of engagement opportunities at the college.
Getting Plenty of Sleep! Students should be sure to go to bed and wake up at reasonable times whenever possible! This will help students be more energized and able to focus. A bad sleep schedule can make academic work, or every aspect of the day for that matter, difficult to handle to the best of a student’s ability. Students will have plenty of time for rest during Winter Break, whether they’re planning to come back in the Spring, or headed from Tri-C to another chapter in their lives.