by Ore Ofe Oluwajobi

Navigating the waters of college life can be exciting but daunting, especially when it involves pursuing your academic passion. As a freshman at Tri-C, I began my journey into criminal justice with excitement and fear. Beyond the limits of textbooks and lectures, the university experience developed as a journey of self-discovery. Although pursuing academic excellence was still a priority, I soon realized the importance of cultivating my mental well-being in the harsh conditions of college life.
The transition from high school to college presented many academic and personal challenges that required a delicate balance between scholarly pursuits and self-care. The stresses of academic life can often affect mental health, and I have not been immune to its effects. The demands of the courses, combined with the relentless pursuit of success, sometimes led to moments of immense stress and anxiety. However, through introspection and the support of my peers and mentors, I have learned to navigate these challenges with tenacity and determination.
One of the most important lessons I learned from my college experience is the importance of seeking help when needed. Tri-C offers many resources dedicated to supporting students, such as mental health and well-being, from counseling services to peer support groups. Embracing the concept that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but rather a demonstration of strength and power, and I used these resources whenever needed.

In addition, fostering meaningful connections within the higher education community has proven vital in alleviating feelings of isolation and fostering a sense of belonging. Exercising for extracurricular activities and building friendships with fellow students provided a much-needed break from the academic grind and enriched my college experience immeasurably.
As I begin a new semester filled with anticipation and ambition, I know the importance of prioritizing my mental well-being amidst the hustle and bustle of college life. While pursuing academic excellence is still a driving force, I approach it from a new perspective, emphasizing self-care and personal growth equally.
In conclusion, my journey through college thus far has been a testament to the connection between academic success and mental well-being. Navigating the complexities of the criminal justice field reminds me of the importance of building resilience, seeking help when needed, and fostering meaningful connections within the higher education community. Through self-reflection and self-care, I am confident that I will come out of this experience richer academically and mentally stronger to face the challenges ahead.