Learning the pieces of a puzzle 

Learning the pieces of a puzzle 

By Christina Easter 

As I continue to develop as a writer, in my mind’s eye I see writing a story similar to figuring out how the pieces of a puzzle come together to form an image. Although I have been writing more seriously for the last couple of years, I only recently had this epiphany as I studied for my community journalism exam for the second time.  

Although I had been told when I first started writing published articles to read more, I did but I would get so immersed in the story that I wouldn’t and couldn’t focus on the structure of the story. But as I studied for the community journalism exam for the second time, I got it. I finally got it. 

I started to do an outline for each article. I used the fancy new words I kept hearing but now understood to fill my outline. The lead, nutgraf, paragraph that defined a phrase or term that is central to the story, then transitioned between the characters and included facts about what they did and/or said and why. 

For each section of my outline, I filled in who, what, when, where, and why. This helped me put together the pieces of the story in a cohesive way that makes reading the story logical and seamlessly. Like the feeling one gets, at least I get, after I have completed a puzzle. 

Now that I have a much better understanding of how to write a news breaking story or a story about a city council meeting, I am ready to move on to the next phase of learning to write a story. I believe this because shortly after I finished studying, I received an email inviting me to apply to be a community journalism fellow. 

The next piece of the story telling puzzle I will learn involves more listening rather than writing. Over the next eight weeks, I will be at a Tri-C Access Center learning what the community wants and needs when they vote. 

One thing I am most grateful for as a new writer is the awesome mentors I continue to meet who guide me through becoming a great writer. 


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