Tri-C Media Reporters Gain RNC Experience

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By: Wendy Dean, Western Campus Editor-in-Chief


Four students from Cuyahoga Community College’s –The Voice paper, worked efficiently to cover the 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland during the week of July 18.

On Ground

Tracy Hudson, Metro’s Editor-in-Chief, contributed coverage of the RNC along with editing stories before they were submitted for publication. One of her stories was an interview with Cleveland’s Chief of Police, Calvin Williams, covering security arrangements for the RNC.

James P. Whitfield, Metro’s Assistant Editor, provided an abundance of photos covering everything from protests, police presence, and scenes inside the convention. John Kay, a West campus reporter, analyzed the convention in an article along with contributing photos.

Off Ground

I contributed a convention overview a week before the RNC began, a preview of what one might expect the week when the eyes of the nation were on Cleveland. I also had the pleasure of conducting an interview with Kristyn Vines, a senior international relations major at Cleveland State University who works for the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County (RPCC). Vines worked 18-to-20 hour days during the RNC, providing support and assistance throughout the convention.

After Tracy edited the stories, she submitted them to DropBox. From there, I uploaded the stories to The Voice’s website, After the articles were uploaded on the website, I also posted briefs about them on The Voice’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.


Jack Hagan, Student Media Coordinator, and Melissa Swafford, Student Life Coordinator, were on hand to provide guidance. Students were responsible for their own stories.


The Overall Experience

The week went without a hitch. The workflow that was conducted by The Voice’s staff was productive, efficient and professional. Through texts, phone calls and emails the staff was on top of communication.

Even though I wasn’t physically at the RNC, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. To work alongside student journalists and to help produce content for The Voice on a national event that took place in Cleveland was outstanding. It’s hard to imagine a moment that could top the story opportunities that other student journalists and I had during the Convention.

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