Tri-C Counseling to the Rescue

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Scheduling classes, receiving financial aid information, discussing mental health, and even adjusting to college life; Cuyahoga Community College’s Counseling Center is here to help. Most of the time you have to refer to the counseling staff in order to receive assistance in said topics. Counseling is the professional guidance of the individual. Through both academic and personal means, our counselors direct the students of Tri-C in an efficient manner.

Dr. Nahla Harik-Williams, Associate Professor of Psychology and advisor for the Chi Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, says for students to, “recognize that we grow by experiencing new challenges and that sometimes change is harder than we anticipate. One of the strengths of community colleges is the variety of support services we offer our students. Take the time to get to know how we can help you then come in and use our services!”

Nursing student Paula Gill says, “the counseling department has a wide range of knowledge and resources to help students with a variety of issues. I love that they have a base knowledge of just about anything regarding Tri-C and can direct you to someone who has more knowledge on a certain subject. I have always turned to them when I have academic questions, and I believe this is what they excel at.”

When asked about the importance of the relationship between counselor and student, Gill had this to say: “I feel that a relationship between a student and any Tri-C employee is important. Every student is different, and it is imperative that the counselors are prepared to recognize the individuality of each student and adjust to what their needs are so they are able to better advise them.”

Gill has a very hectic schedule of spending her afternoons in classes and mornings in clinical rotations. She credits the counseling staff for their guidance in technological, social, academic, and personal matters.

However, life is not entirely about hitting the books so to speak. Mental health is a true concern and is alarming throughout community colleges. According to a 2016 survey conducted by The Wisconsin HOPE Lab and reported by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, “students have a high rate of mental health problems. Out of 4,000 students in seven states at 10 community colleges, nearly half of these students had a recent or current mental health problem; 36 percent had depression and 29 percent had anxiety. These rates are higher than in four-year colleges, according to the report.”

Tri-C has more than 15 listed resources for personal counseling including the LGBT Center of Cleveland, Domestic Violence Center, and many more. So may it be a personal matter or some- thing about a class, know that the counseling staff of Cuyahoga Community College is always here for those who need it.

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