The Viewpoint of a Student: COVID-19: Blog #1

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Author: Diamond Hunt

Self-quarantine has brought about a few challenges for me. The major one being that we’ve moved our courses strictly online. I’m a person who prefers in person instruction for certain courses. I’m not opposed to online instruction as I generally take at least one online course a semesters, I just like face-to-face interaction. Also I will miss being able to go to the library to get my work done. I found that that was the place in which I was most productive. I tend to get a little distracted when working at home. Learning how to navigate that will be my biggest adjustment. I’m also supposed to graduate this semester and I’m sad that the likelihood of us having a graduation has decreased exponentially. It took me a long time to make it to this point. It’s been a long journey so walking across that stage means a lot to me.

On a personal side I am generally okay with being at home as I am sometimes a homebody. However, I do miss hanging out with my friends as we often go to the movies and out to eat. However I do hope that there won’t be a mandatory enforcement in which we absolutely won’t be able to leave or home. Being able to go to the grocery store at least has been good for me. I would not like the fact that would not be able to go anywhere at all, so that worries me. Also,  I’ve found that doing breathing exercises and listening to relaxing music has helped me with my stress level. For me personally it’s about trying to stay positive and relaxed because I don’t perform well when I’m stressed.

At this point it’s about continuing to practice good hygiene and starting as safe as possible and waiting for the worst of this to be over.

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