By Deniece Diggins
East Staff Writer
As Clevelanders, there are a few things we are all accustomed to: good food, the performance of our sports teams, and the troublesome snowy winters accompanied by unpleasant sub-zero temperatures. This winter, much like any other Cleveland winter, has yielded an abundance of snow with school closings due to extreme temperatures. As Tri-C students, we have experienced class delays and cancellations due to inclement weather conditions. “As inconvenient as school closings can be, I use that extra time to catch up on studying,” says Sabrina Colquitt, a Tri-C Eastern Campus student. Although the weather is dreadful around this time of year, and often times a bit depressing, our lives cannot be put on hold forever. “The winter months are long among us and the cold weather and snow poses many
challenges for our students and teachers commuting to college and work,” says Sergeant Thomas Mcmillan, a Tri-C Eastern Campus policeman. Here are a few tips, provided by the Tri-C Campus Police you may want to consider before heading out:
*Make sure that you wear layers and adequate footwear to prevent frostbite and injuries sustained from falling on icy ground.
*Clean all of the snow and ice off of your car to assure full visibility while driving.
*Leave earlier than usual, it will give you extra time to get where you need to go without rushing on snowy roads.
*When roads are less than safe, make sure to drive at slow speeds and allow yourself enough distance to slow down. Hitting on your brakes suddenly can cause skidding, so gradually slow down to assure safe stops.
*Finally, do not talk or text while driving! The safety of yourself and others requires your full attention, especially with unsafe driving conditions. Your phone can wait.
Staying safe during these winter months will allow us to enjoy the more pleasant seasons ahead. In Cleveland, there’s always rain, shine or snow, and it’s always best to stay prepared for the latter.