"The elections affect our lives and we get the decision and the freedom to vote; and you can input your decision and make your voice heard. I think one of the most important things about being one as a country as that they know how we feel so we can input our ideas to make our country better.” ~ Kyra Welos
Students are asked what their expectations are for the upcoming elections.
“The elections affect our lives and we get the decision and the freedom to vote; and you can input your decision and make your voice heard. I think one of the most important things about being one as a country as that they know how we feel so we can input our ideas to make our country better.” ~ Kyra Welos
“I expect a lot to change, especially in terms of the environment and in the terms of the economy that we may have going on. I know Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it would be pretty cool to see this country get back to a better place as soon as possible.” ~ Natalya Laverchale
“I expect the economy to improve more and have better jobs and get back to the way it used to be. I think it would be cool if more people like us could find jobs easier so that way we could be able to support ourselves.” ~ Kelo Matson
“I hope to find a better change and maybe in our communities and the economy. It would be nice if the economy could get back to a point where many middle-class citizens, such as ourselves, don’t have to struggle as much and can get back on our feet.” ~ Marcel Dear