Jazmin Johnson COVID Diary #2

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Jazmin Johnson COVID Diary #2

By Jazmin Johnson

Since my last Covid-19 Journal entry, the pandemic has not gotten any better. For a moment of time the Coronavirus infection numbers were decreasing yet turned around and increased again due to the climate changing.  Since it is getting colder more people are around each other in enclosed spaces or rooms making you vulnerable to getting the coronavirus infection. I have been seeing a decrease in the mask usage within some establishments and less enforcement to wear the masks. I continue to keep my family and friends informed about the importance of wearing a mask. In Cuyahoga County were progressing to a level 4 (purple status) which means the exposure/spread is severe and Tri-C will operate fully remote until the County progress back down to a lower level.  Like I stated in my previous Covid-19 journal entry everything feels like this is the new normal now. I’d rather be inside now than going out in public and I’m getting used to everything be remotely. It seems to make things easier for me and less time consuming.  Politics right now is high since elections will be here soon. The focus has become more on which president should we be voting for instead of the pandemic rising.  During this time, we should be using our own thoughts and doing self-discovery to conclude our decision when it comes to election time.  With the Coronavirus Infection, Elections, and Uproars in Police brutality, I can only imagine how the future of tomorrow may look like.

Right now, I’ve been finding things to keep interested and motivated during the pandemic. Doing schoolwork can be repetitive and feels like all your doing is reading, taking notes, and writing essays. Recently I found other outlets such as joining the Westshore Student Government Committee, became President of Westshore Drama Club, and a member of the Art Club. These commitments make my days filed with fun and diversity. I have a different way to communicate and stay tuned in with other fellow Tri-C Students. Tri-C offers many different groups/clubs and activities for any Tri-C students to join.  Being part of Student Government gives me a voice to express and be involved in student activities, while voicing my opinions and making decisions on behalf of the student body. I like to use Art as a relaxation technique and inspire my creative thoughts.  Art Club allows me to express myself artistically, each week were given different prompts to create.  It gives me a chance to challenge myself thinking outside of my realm. Westshore Drama Club brings a unique twist this year since we meet remotely, and just participated in our first event together at Cleveland Public Theaters “The Dark Room”, an open mic for actors/actresses and writers. I encourage all Tri-C students to get involved with at least one student club or activity this year.

My Covid-19 playlist ranges past and current artist/songs that I like in rotation while I’m focusing on my schoolwork or readings. Music is like therapy to me. I use music as a soothing technique to be able to relate to the artist’s lyrics to however I’m feeling now. Good luck Tri-C Students this quarter and stay safe during this Coronavirus pandemic. Check out my playlist below:

Jazmin’s Top 5 Covid-19 Playlist (no specific order)

  1. H.E.R-Damage
  2. Ella Mai-Not Another Love Song
  3. Danileigh-Be Yourself
  4.  S.Z.A-Go Gina (acapella version)
  5. Summer Walker-affection
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