Police Capturing Violators, Issuing Citations
By Bronson Peshlakai
The intersection at East 30th Street and Orange Road, at the I-77 junction has a new traffic pattern.
Motorists heading eastbound Woodland Avenue, or on the I-77 south ramp can no longer make a left turn. Police have been making traffic stops daily, sometimes with up to eight cars at a time, handing out traffic tickets.
The change has alleviated traffic congestion along East 30th Street, as the traffic can only head southbound.
Heading I-77 or East Woodland: Motorists are to turn right on Woodland Avenue, heading toward downtown. Stay to the left. In about a half mile, turn left on a new turn around that takes you onto a dedicated lane eastbound Woodland. You can access I-77 south ramp by merging onto the right two lanes.
Heading toward I-490 & I-90: Commuters can take East 30th Street past I-77 to Broadway. Turn left, and follow the road as it veers right. At the next stoplight about ¾ miles down, turn right onto the westbound onramp of I-490, which will turn into I-90.