Deaf Culture Awareness

Deaf Culture Awareness

By: Tammy Merritt, West Staff Writer

During this time next year, the deaf community in the state of Ohio will officially be recognized, should a bill be passed. Senate Bill 27 would observe the days between March 13th and April 15th, as Ohio Deaf History Month. Presently, the bill has been passed by Senate and is awaiting ratification by the House of Representatives. Should the bill be struck down, then one could ascertain there is clear momentum in deaf awareness and if it should pass a definitive milestone would be reached in the deaf community.

According to Senator Mike Skindell’s office (Senate District 23), the deaf and hard of hearing society has put forth this bill which is gaining traction. For information regarding this bill and its progress please visit the Ohio Legislative Website and search for bill 27; the title is called designate a commemorative month. A sure accomplishment within the deaf society of Ohio, regardless the outcome.

Recently, I had the privilege of attending a Dingo social event within the deaf community on Saturday March 25, 2017 at the Cleveland Association of the Deaf; which was apart of an ASL assignment. While there, I had the honor of meeting Mr. Henry and Mr. Frank two gentlemen that welcomed my daughter and I with open arms upon our entry. We were treated as family as we laughed and conversed in sign. As a beginner to the ASL language, they taught and we learned, it was a beautiful experience that I look forward to doing again.

For those who are looking for a social event to attend within the deaf community, there is a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday April 1st. The breakfast will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room 140, @ 11635 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44106. The cost is $10 and it is an all you can eat pancake breakfast featuring dingo, games, activities and prizes. This event is sponsored by the Community Center for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing, Cleveland Hearing and Speech Center. RSVP: STAYLOR@CHSC.ORG or VP 440- 387-4792


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